
What's new?

Emerald Eye is finished with a different tempo that I hope you enjoy, and Eye of Phoenix ft. PrinceHamlet is coming soon.

I finally finished Dark Bass and already started working on Emerald Eye, and keep checking latest updates, because something special is coming out soon

The first song of the Eye Of Phoenix Album, "Bang!", with a new tempo and twist of new dubstep is out

I have mashed SuperCell and SuperCell II to create Another Cell You can find it in the Singles tab, or by clicking here.

The whole Alert Album is finished, click here to download or preview the songs, and look forward to my next album , "The Eye Of Phoenix"

I have finished IcyCaves and is working on FirePower, you can download the song or preview it, by clicking here

The 6th song of the Alert Album is finished and I had some help from NeylandHill, remember to download, or download the whole Alert Album, by clicking here.

I have finished this website along with the "alert album cover," you can see the fullscreen image by clicking here